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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Chorzowie

My name is Bandżi and I am about 3 years old. I look like a mix of a Great Dane and an Amstaff. Unfortunately, I passed from one irresponsible hands to another, which caused me a number of behavioral problems. The last owner was afraid of me and abandoned me with a muzzle, and during these "moments of freedom" I was severely bitten by another dog. Now I'm afraid of other dogs, so I immediately react to them with strong aggression. Sometimes, in my madness, I can accidentally bite my human. My future guardian must be balanced, strong and resistant to stressful situations. He must also show me support, and then I will be his best companion. I am very intelligent, I learn commands and I can walk at your heel. I also practice going for walks with other dogs and I must tell you that I almost always do well. I think I deserve a chance.

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